Free Rocna Cap At East Marine

Free Rocna Cap At East Marine

Get your free ROCNA cap if you send us your photo(s) with your "lovely" Rocna or Vulcan.

Please send to us via email at, and include the following information as recording purposes:

Subject: Free Rocna Cap

  • Your Name
  • Vessel Name (model, year, length & weight)
  • Year of Rocna / Vulcan purchase
  • Where you buy your rocna / Vulcan

And you can collect the FREE Rocna cap from one of our shop (Phuket Boat Lagoon or Ao Po Grand Marina)

You can also instruct us to send to you via post, extra postage fees will apply.

Be quick while stock last.

If you haven't own a Rocna / Vulcan yet, please feel free go to this page to have look.

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  • Ian Lok
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